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Albufeira Giro Bus Route 10 - CIRCULAR

Bus Station - Câmara (Town Hall) - Cerro Malpique - Old Town (Rua Alves Correeia) - Pau da Bandeira - Câmara - Bus Station

The information has been obtained from personal use (like taking the bus) and is given in good faith.
Official timetable and route map click or tap here
Do not confuse this bus with VAMUS route 10 Albufeira - Faro via Loulé. Those are big white buses! Giro 10 is little electric minibuses.

Operated by Grupo Barraqueiro under contract to Albufeira Council
WEEKDAYS bus runs Mondays to Fridays (weekdays) only except holidays
SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS - bus runs on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only

Infos en français, auf Deutsch, em Portugues içi, hier, aqui

The weekday buses at 0800, 0900 and at every hour run via Rua Malpique (Cerro Mar Garden) at 7 minutes past the hour and are slightly later at the Câmara and beyond.
On winter weekends and holidays, only those at 0800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 and 1800.

These are now the only buses that go down to Rua Alves Correeia (old town centre) and to Pau da Bandeira (top of the escalators).
Connections with Giro buses to and from most other areas can be made at the Cãmara Municipal.
All routes to other parts of town stop there except 5, 6 and 8. Use the links below for the timetables and maps.

I asked the bus company.  I was told that summer service will be in effect from 1st July to 8th September.
LAST BUS WILL BE THREE HOURS LATER AT 2230 weekends, 2240 weekdays. I will do my best to check that they are actually running!

Albufeira Bus Station (Terminal)
0730 0800 THEN 1940
0730 THEN 1930
Cerro Malpique Nord (outside ALDI)
0736 0806 ABOUT 1946
0736 ABOUT 1936
Câmara Municipal (Town Hall) $$

0739 0813 EVERY 1949
0739 EVERY 1939
Old Town (Centro) Rua Alves Correeia
0742 0816 20 1952
0742 30 1942
Pau da Bandeira (top of the escalators)
0747 0821 MINUTES 1957
0747 MINUTES 1947
Câmara Municipal (Town Hall) $$

0749 0823 UNTIL 1959
0749 UNTIL 1949
Albufeira Bus Station (Terminal)
0755 0829
$$ if you get on the bus here you should ask the driver which way they are going. Linha 10 does not
show the direction the bus is heading!

There is no bus in the opposite direction, i.e.up the hill through Cerro Malpique.

Links to timetables on other Giro routes below. For an overview of the system, including maps and fares, please click or tap here

Giro Network Map
Route 1
Route 2
Route 3
Route 4
Giro Fares
Route 5
Route 6
Route 7
Route 8

Route 9
Route 10
Route 11

For a list of all the timetables on the site, click here
For an alphabetical list of places in the Algarve, click here
For some important general notes about buses in the Algarve, click here
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